STORY- 002-(wrong size screws on B737 windshield


wrong size screws were used on the windshield replacement of the Boeing 737

AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE requires a cool head and when somebody working on any job he should be honest with to job and the company he is working for  some time the person working with  a group then all of should be sincere in the job normally it’s like this but sometimes the person working together are of not harmonic in the work and that causes the problemWe were assingh  to change the windshield of Boeing 737  my companion was mr tim and we start arranging the work setup it requires aircraft to be in hanger and special stands  so we started the job  you might have notice a normal phenomenon when any thing required to remove or dismantle  the crew singh will try as fast as it can be  so lot of time when times come up to install back the people start looking for the panels or hardware  etc etc my procedure of work wa that whatever ie remove from the location it should be number organize and kept properly in general so when we start removing the windshield  mr tim was in little hurry as usual giving lot of unwanted unrelated talks well it’s ok as some people enjoy by listening but we should concentrate on job as priority so when we were removing the screws and i was collecting them in a bag mr tim dropped few of them on flour  telling me its ok they were bad and we had to change them any how  i wa keeping quiet  finally the windshield was removed and we start installing the new windshield after avionics tested the heating element of anti ice  and  we started putting the new one at its place you know the bolts are tighten in a special order  so we were doing well now at the end we were running short of those special screw which were fallen in ground bad luck was this we were having short of four special screw  now mr tim was worried  as i told him those screws are out of stock and we don’t have those special length screws anywhere  another thing come on the head was the hangar shift manager who was pushing us to finish the job  tim got a little nervous  but he told manager there are three bolts or special screw are shorin number removed the manager got his hightone and start cursing  i have given the mat time and you guys are holding the aircraft just for these two screws  and tim told him sir we dont have the proper length pstr number screws he said god dammit one or two screws will not make any difference …. See the funny words  some time when ever think of these word  the face of manage comes in front  so mr tim told me  hay abbas i am going to sign it  we will install other bolts   so the job was completed aircraft was released to service  and it was the first flight to MEDINA pilot made an semi emergency landing there  the reason was sooner aircraft took off and reached to the required altitude a sharp whistle  sound start coming from the windshield the pilot contact control tower he was given priority and special altitude till he landed safely  the investigation stated as the aircraft was grounded there  it was the longer screw was used and windshield  was not properly seated e  wel what happened after this findings it’s another story  and that you have to imagine what conversation was between the two mr tim and the shift manager  and i was out as the paperwork was indicating the signatures and  all  the only words i will say never take any aircraft maintenance job as lightly   a big responsibility comes on the shoulder  of personnel involved